The Beauty of Screwing Up

OOPS copy

The Philippines, being a country with Christian-majority populace, is entering a religious period worldly-known as Holy Week. It [Holy Week] is the annual commemoration of the Passion of Christ. It’s not just another religious tradition. We aren’t celebrating the fact that the Son of God suffered and died, but Christians (particularly Roman Catholics) are recognizing and honoring His sacrifice, accompanying Him spiritually and physically, as if we had been there with Him, two thousand years ago.

In other words, Holy Week is when Christians observe the anniversary of the last days of Jesus’ life on earth: His passion, death, and resurrection. (Source)

For me, Holy Week usually reminds me of the grace of God shown on the cross as atonement for our sins. But, in a way, it likewise has me thinking about regret and guilt — you know, the usual suspects when it comes to feeling shameful about yourself because of your wrongdoings and shortcomings as a person.

During the duration of the celebration, Catholics take the time to somehow atone for their sins, to clean the slate, to clear their conscience, and to generally make things right, while some fast for hours, others even allowed themselves to be nailed on a cross, as payment and punishment for the year’s past misdeeds or sins committed in their lives.

Sad but true, when it’s all over, most people go back to hiding their flawed selves again, burying their shame and wrongdoings as deeply as possible, never to see the light of day until they bring them out again next year for reflection and renewal.

I say atone it AND own it. Not just for one day, nor within the duration of a certain tradition’s celebration, but for LIFE.


Looking back, maybe you did some things in life that you’re not proud of; maybe you made some poor choices or unwise decisions; maybe you did some major screw-ups that sabotaged you or hurt others; maybe you acted impulsively, or didn’t act at all when you should have.

In other words, you screwed up. Join the club, we’ve all been members at one time or another.

But rather than beat yourself up for it, is it possible to accept your screw-ups with respect instead of regret? Is it possible to take your failures and mistakes and see them not as liabilities, but as assets that gave you more character, depth, and soul?

You may have screwed up big time, but you’re not screwed out of luck: the wrong choices you made yesterday could very well be taking you to the right places today.


Instead of letting your screw-ups get the best of you, why not make the best of them? I say embrace your perfectly beautiful imperfections, and make peace with your flaws because chances are, they made you who you are today: someone who’s smarter, wiser, stronger, and more resilient.

This is why screwing up can be beautiful. It gives you incredible gifts of insight and clarity, as well as opportunities to put your guilt and remorse to good use: like making positive changes in your life and staying on the path of right action.


Screwing up will test you, tease you, torment you, and ultimately teach you things about yourself you never knew. The key is learning the lessons. You never want to waste a perfectly good mishap by not learning from it (nor would you want to ruin one by repeating it).

I’ve had some good doses of screw-ups in my day: I squandered time and opportunities; I either wasn’t thinking, wasn’t aware, or wasn’t paying attention; I missed the boat, took my eye off the ball, and made unforced errors. I wish I could go back in time and do it over, but I can’t. I can only be thankful for the lessons I learned and the wisdom it gave me.

In other words, I screwed up, therefore I am.

Everyday we have a chance to make things right, to repent, to make amends, and to do things differently. And of course, every day we have a chance to practice FORGIVENESS: screwing up’s best friend.

Just remember, “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” To actually do this is pretty much awesome.

I’m fairly certain that screwing up makes one a better person. We’re all a work in progress, and the learning process never stops. Trial and error, live and learn, you know the drill. The challenge is to remove judgment and condemnation from your path so you can turn self-loathing into self-loving.

28 thoughts on “The Beauty of Screwing Up

  1. thenext366days

    Nice article bro, as a Filipino you inspired me. Are future can never be defined by our past mistakes, but learning from it will mold our present. Thanks for the insight bro.

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  2. “But rather than beat yourself up for it, is it possible to accept your screw-ups with respect instead of regret? Is it possible to take your failures and mistakes and see them not as liabilities, but as assets that gave you more character, depth, and soul?” Well said.

    I have often referred to this liturgical season as “Holy Hell Week.”

    One problem I see many Christians (including myself) make is embracing the new life of Easter without remembering how much it cost Christ. This doesn’t mean we should crucify ourselves, but it does lead us to sense of humble gratitude.

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    1. I do agree with you. The point of celebrating Holy Week is to commemorate the grace and love of God. And in response, we should live our lives in gratefulness to that act of love and sacrifice.
      We (as human-beings) will never ever be perfect in this world, that is why God has His plan of salvation for us.
      Be that as it may, we must embrace the beauty of our erring nature without abuse or excessiveness, and live a life with constant desire to uphold the moral standards of good and rightful living.
      Thank you for the wise words Tony. I’m honored to hear it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Make a mistake once and it becomes a lesson. Even recognizing and drawing acceptance and learning from that is a step to self improvement in itself. A great post, as always, Andrei, leaves me thinking which is a hallmark of a good writer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the compliment Pranitha. It’s huge coming from you. I’m flattered as much as I’m honored 🙂
      True. Mistakes are essential to growth. Depending on how one looks at it. Everything in life is a matter of perspective.

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    2. &##3&00;死刑被司法所濫用,推導出死刑應該被廢除」?!現今國家權力被分為「行政」、「立法」、「司法」三權3#65292;立法權用於制定死刑,行政權用於執行死刑,而司法權僅作審判。換言之,立法權賦予行政權執行死刑的權力,而行政權決定將之加諸於人民時,司法權只對行政權得否執行死刑,提出客觀的意見並說明理由。事實上,行政權決定要處死人民&165292;縱使司法權不同意,行政權也可以不甩,直接就處死人民,或者陽奉陰違,將人民暗中消滅;反之,司法權判決死刑定讞,行政權也可以不甩,拖著一直不予執行,台灣目前就是如此。所以說,司法權真的很沒用,根本不可能「濫用死刑⾩;而且死刑被濫用,至多導出執行死刑的要件應更加嚴格,不能即為廢除的理由。


  4. What I interpret from this post, is one of the most important life lessons ever. We are humans. Flawed. We get screwed badly. But then there’s always a second chance awaiting. It was also a very enlightening post as I didn’t know several things.
    Also I would love to visit Your place in future. I hear it’s beautiful ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Our flaws make us beautifully-human. We shouldn’t be ashamed of them. We can’t be perfect; so isn’t it time to accept that truth and learn to embrace it and build on from it?
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Taj. I’m grateful 🙂
      Please do visit here some time. I’m not saying this because I live here, but it’s beautiful in here 😉

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  5. Andrei, I just loved this line, “FORGIVENESS: screwing up’s best friend.” I agree with your viewpoint to embrace your mistakes and take advantage of them as a learning opportunity. I wish I would have learned to do this earlier in my life. The more willing I am to make mistakes, the more chances I have to grow as a person. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart regarding the post Alicia. I’m glad to have inspired something in you.
      Having known God in my life, I learned to live by the notion that forgiveness is the cure to “pain” and “hurt”. A philosophy often overlooked (of course for various seemingly legitimate reasons) yet the surest way to healing, at least that’s what I beleived in.
      Thank you for taking the time to read. I deeply appreciate it 💜

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  6. All of us have made a mistake or commmitted a sin at some point in our lives and will still do in the future… and God knows that. That is why He gave us His gift of forgiveness thru Jesus.
    It’s unfortunate that some people could not forgive themselves or others and so they are stucked. I guess the best way to show gratefulness to our salvation is to live our lives in such a way that we bring Jesus to people thru our character and actions. ☺

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  7. This is such a great post, Andrei! But I really don’t like hearing news or watching people being nailed on the cross, I think it’s really hurtful… I don’t know why but I dislike it..


    1. Thank you for appreciating my post Jirah 🙂
      The Philippines is a very religious nation. Many people can be considered religious fanatics. They want to imitate what Jesus had experienced on the cross, primarily as a means to atone from their sins. Those few who perform the “nailing on the cross” act had been performing it in years, somehow they’ve grown used to it. It’s horrible to witness, I agree. But to those who do it, it’s their way of expressing their faith and seeking absolution from their wrongdoings.
      Being a Christian myself and founded in the Words of God, to me, that wouldn’t be necessary, for the grace of God shown thru the cross of Christ is more than enough to redeem us from our sins.
      Well, when it comes to religion, we have different views. But most of us share the belief of the existence of a Supreme Being, extremely powerful than us and highly capable of affecting our lives.

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      1. Yes I’m from the PH and no not at all! I just thought the crucification isn’t necessary but now I agree that we all have different views. I love the Lenten season, though, for we are able to express and seek our faith. Again thanks for this post!

        Liked by 1 person

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