Mystery Blogger Award


Before anything else, I would like to thank two of the lovely (inside and out) ladies who nominated me for this award, Liz and Nyse. In as much as I’m honored and thrilled for this, I am likewise anxious, edgy, tensed, (panicky?) -*insert every word you can think of which corresponds with the word nervous – in answering their respective sets of questions.


Because there’s this seemingly unwritten ancient policy which says that when a lady (ladies in this case – one undeniably good-looking and the other (can’t yet give a fair description due to the absence of available photos, however, she was widely known as the Queen of Awesomeness, and, for sure, that wasn’t for a reason, haha)) asked a guy some serious questions they apparently require some serious answers too, right? Disagree all you want, it’s still my opinion and I’m entitled to it, haha. And although I’ve emphasized some strong points about saying “No” on my post The “No” Way which I can use as a good excuse not to divulge any information  about myself [as a matter of personal security] by answering the  questions  set before me yet commonsense (or you can aptly say in the guise of being polite) dictates that I need to contradict those points in consideration of this award, hahaha. Who’s in his right mind would dismiss such a generously encouraging gesture?! You tell me…

Having said that, now I was forced, rather, left with the task of answering the hereunder sets of questions. So let’s get the ball rolling, shall we?

Liz’s Questions:

  1. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime?

I want to have a book published in my name. I’m still in [most people] would consider as ‘midlife’, so, factor in the equation the progress climate change is covering on a daily basis plus the average life expectancy of a person in the world scale (without bias to territorial location and racial genetic  structures) I think that is still possible, haha.

  1. Describe your form of spirituality.

I’m a Christian. I believe that there’s a God who works for the good of all His children according to His will and timing. On that thought, Christianity has also taught me to love, accept and respect my fellow human beings without bias and prejudice as to belief, personal views, status and circumstances.

  1. What movie is close to the story of your life?

This is hard. Modesty aside, I was thinking more of James Bond or Jason Bourne movies, just kidding! Hahaha.

Seriously, I can probably relate with the character of Guido in the movie Life is Beautiful (La vita è bella), his positivism, his humor, and the manner in which he wooed the love of his life, Dora.

I’m an old soul, haha. No, maybe I just like movies that I consider with “real” stories to offer.

  1. Which author would you like to hang out with for a day?

I would say Steven Spielberg if he’s an author but unfortunately he’s not. So I’ll just settle down with Ernest Hemingway. I’ll have him explain his “grace under pressure” principle; I got a 2.0 in American Literature way back in college for not rendering a substantial elucidation of said principle in the context of the “lost generation”.

In retrospect, I think it was my professor’s fault, she just asked us to explain, she didn’t say “substantially” though. Anyways (*sigh*)

N.B.: Dearest Professor: Oh, you’re not implicated on this, the last time I checked your name was not yet changed to “professor”. So, *peace sign*

  1. (Weird Question) If you could read one person’s mind, whose would it be?

My wife’s. No further comments, haha

Nyse’s Questions:

  1. What is your number 1 goal in life?

Well, I must say that I struggle every single day to have a balanced life – with respect to spirituality, relationships and commitments, work, hobbies, all and everything in between.

As everyone else’s ultimate goal in life (generally speaking) – to leave a mark (even just an itsy, bitsy, tiny mark) of goodness to myself and to others whom I had [and will have] the chance to meet or to be with in this lifetime.

And, sorry I can’t help it, I must add: to publish a book in my name too! That’s my number 1.1!

2. Describe in three words the purpose of your blog.

Provoke. Motivate. Inspire.

3. If you could go back in time, to any period in history what year, and                where would it be?

Back at the time of Jesus’ (Christ) crucifixion. I want to witness the greatest event that took place in this planet which eventually sent ripples of change throughout the whole world up to this present times and extending further to the forthcoming generations.

Many great hearts wrote history through their mighty deeds but that one act alone changed all that are significant in this world, transcending all the barriers of time and changing the phase of humanity.

4. If you could be any animal, which animal would it be?

An ape, at least I would still have features closely related to humans. Plus, just as they say, history repeats itself, so just as when evolution takes its turn, voila! I’m human again!

Nah, I chose ape because they naturally resemble us. They’re like our animal counterparts.  You can view “humanity” in their actions – the way they care and nurse their young ones, the way they interact with each other, the way the establish hierarchy, their politics of coexistence, among many other traits.

5. (Weird): Does the books you read, affect the foods you eat?

Yes. There was this one time when a book that I was reading while having lunch fell and messes up with my soup. Soup did taste funny afterwards.

Weird question, weird answer, Nyse 😉


N.B.: This post also requires the nominees to share three (3) facts about themselves.

To that I can’t share any more details, if you’ve read my silly answers you can already pick out at least 20 or something facts about me! Well, apparently I’m a corny comedian as you’ve probably noticed by now, hahaha.


My Best Post:

My blog’s Top Posts & Pages corner reflects Breaking up with Medi O. Crity (I don’t know why?) but for me it should have been The “No” Way. But I have a feeling though that this post is going to be the ultimate Best Post for this blog, for one reason, among many others, this is written appurtenant to an award! Come to think of it, haha.


So as to keep the wheel spinning [as they say], I highly nominate the following kind and awesome bloggers for this award:

Carolyn                  Maggie                 Angy                   Lenny               Favour

My questions:

  1. What makes you bored?
  2. What is your favorite pastime and why?
  3. What is that one thing you would happily do again?
  4. What is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
  5. (Weird Question) If you were a bird, who would you sh*t on?



Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.Okoto Enigma


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

17 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations, Andrei, once again! I hope your wish on mind reading comes true, I suppose that is every married man’s wish, but Alas! Great to see you ‘funny’ side, Andrei, I have come to understand that awards tend to have that effect on you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha. You noticed it! 😅 Yes, I take these opportunities as a break from writing serious stuff. One way of showing my friends here at WP the other side of me – the “quirky” one 😁 Needless to say though that my responses also depend on the nature of the blog I’m responding to or the characteristics of its author or the type of established virtual ‘relationships’, which on all cases were loose, friendly and funny too, that’s why, hahaha


  2. You’re amazing Andrei! You truly deserve this award. 🙂
    I really enjoyed reading your answers…I didn’t know you have a good sense of humor ’cause you look so serious with your picture, hehe! =P

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha. A picture says a thousand words, so don’t be deceived!
      Thank you. The warm and heartfelt comments such as this, from my friends here in the blogosphere, are my motivations in writing post that are worthy of your precious time reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for the honor of being replied back by your Awesomeness. ‘Twas truly my pleasure and privilege to be nominated by no less than your majesty 😉
    Glad you liked my post. Had me worrying for a couple of days, whether or not, you’re already planning to have me arrested for approaching your questions in a “not so serious ” manner. Now, I’m relieved and can go out of hiding knowing you’re cool with it, hahaha.
    Kidding aside, thank you Nyse for the nice gesture of nominating me for the award. Appreciate it 🙏🙂👍👌
    Happy blogging too! Stay awesome!


  4. The Queen of Awesomeness had an enjoyable time reading this and thinks your blog is most sublime, and an essential one for all to read and your ‘corny comedian’ ways is one so wonderful even she couldn’t help acknowledging it.

    Haha, anyways, I really did love your post, yes Jesus crucifixion was one which dramatically changed the period of history, and will forever influence society. I’m certain you’ll publish a book, after all you’re a heck of an awesome writer. Happy blogging 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, Andrei, this is such an interesting read – you are an interesting person! I think you deserve the award, you certainly do provoke, motivate and inspire…and if you liken yourself to 007 even in jest, well that’s award-worthy in IMHO! 🙂 Seriously, great to learn more about you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really? Well, originally that wasn’t intended to be as such. I just don’t know what happened, maybe it has something to do with my keyboard, it types differently, hahaha
      Glad you had fun reading 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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