Invest in Life. Invest in Experiences!


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” - Mark Twain

It’s everywhere in the media

The Lamborghinis on Wall Street, the Louis Vuitton bags that celebrities wear, the mansions that “successful” people live in. The list goes on. 

We’ve fooled ourselves into believing that the sole recognition  —  no, definition  —  of success & happiness comes from the type of cars we own or the number of zeros in our bank account. We’ve put the notion of material success on a pedestal and convinced those around us to adopt the same beliefs.

In a society that idolizes the pursuit of happiness, carrying out a life where one’s destination is to find joy through material goods is not only ineffective, but it’s a never-ending journey. 

The key to happiness is not spending our time & money acquiring goods.
The key to happiness is spending our time & money experiencing life.

It’s the priceless experiences in life that makes us happy at the end of day.

Experience defines us

We live in a society where tangible things appear more valuable because we can feel, hold and touch the materials we purchase. Above all, it’s because tangible things are tied with currency that places a price of its value in the marketplace.

There’s no way to physically feel the experience of trekking up a mountain trail on a Saturday morning with our closest friends. Nor can we “sell” the experience of our first fight with our partners. It’s the same reason why we can’t put a price value on a human being. 

“If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we’d all be millionaires.” -Abigail Van Buren

We are the accumulation of everything we’ve ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt. It’s experience that teaches us not to take that 8-5 cubicle job again, and it’s experience that will lead to that next big breakthrough idea for our businesses. 

In other words, experiences come with life lessons
Materials come with nothing but a bill.

Experience stays with us

When we think back to our fondest memories, what are they?

For me, it’s not the gifts I received for Christmas or my birthday. It’s the context surrounding the gifts  —  the people at my birthday party, the smell of the hot chocolate on Christmas morning. It’s the first time I learned how to ride a bike with my dad, and the time I went on my first (awkward) date. This is what puts a smile to my face to this day. 

Here’s the main caveat to investing in materials  — they have expiration dates

Experience can be relived. Experience has emotional longevity. It can be improved in our minds as we continue to grow and progress in life. It stays with us and they are lessons we can use everyday for as long as we live. Experiences bring us happiness not just when we’re having the experience, but also when we simply think about them.

Here’s how my wife and I try to live out our experiences.   

Change budget priorities.

Let’s be truthful, we are not all born with silver spoons in our mouths and everything is freely and abundantly handed out to us to use and abuse, so, if we want to start living a life of experiences, we need to prioritize our financial budgets to accommodate the adventures we’ll undertake. This is the first consideration we make.

Learn to be prudent when purchasing materials, because salvaging those few extra dimes could lead to the experience that could change your life. 

Say “yes” more.

Growing up, we were taught to make decisions with calculated risk assessments by carefully thinking things through. If we want to start fulfilling more experiences in life —  we need to unlearn these principles.

The best adventures arise from moments when we least expect them. 

Filling our mind with “what ifs” is only going to keep us on our couches watching other people live their lives. Before we know it, our “what if” will turn into “should have.” 

Learn to be present in the moment. When the next opportunity for experience appears, ask yourself this simple question.

Will I regret not taking this opportunity?  Tomorrow, next week, or even next year? 

If the answer is yes  —  or even maybe — your immediate response should also be yes.

The future will always be uncertain. That’s never going to change. But you can control how you shape it by thinking less and taking action. 

Start with the small (and cheap) adventures.

Are you the type of person that watches the same movies over and over again, takes the same walking route to the office, and eats at the same food joints or restaurants? 

You need to break out of your regular routine.

Opening our mind up to new experiences needs to start with the small decisions and interactions we have in our daily lives. Instead of going to that same fastfood joint or restaurant near your office because you know it’s a safe decision, go somewhere new. 

The most fulfilling experiences don’t have to cost a lot of money. Often times, it’s right next door. We just need to know where to knock. 

Start taking the small risks in life. You’ll be surprised how far it takes you.

If there’s anything to take away from this article  —  take away this. 

We are all going to die one day, whether you choose to accept it or not. Towards the end of our lives, we’re going to ask the same questions.  

Did I live?
Do I have regrets?
Did I experience everything I wanted to in life?

Ask yourself if you want your existence to be defined by the type of car you owned or the adventures and freedom you led in life. 

Invest in something that will bring you lessons rather than a bill. Become rich in experience. 

Because experience will win  —  every single time

P.S. If you learned something valuable from this post, please let me know on  the comments below.

19 thoughts on “Invest in Life. Invest in Experiences!

  1. Pingback: “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin – THOUGHT AVENUE: Speak your mind

  2. Beautifully written. On people’s death beds, they don’t really think about cars or properties. They remember the memories with loved ones (or possibly regrets).

    I’m hoping that at the end of my time here on earth, I will have those great memories to look back on instead of remorse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We all share that same hope Liz. Would’nt it be nice that someday we could look back in life and savor all the
      memories? That thought passes my mind ever so often.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s so nice to hear from you again.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. lifepunchesback

    I definitely agree. I’d rather spend my money on a great vacation with family and making great memories that are priceless than buying tangible objects that lose value as soon as you walk out of the store and a few months later forget about or don’t even need.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the warm compliment Rajosee. I’m so encouraged reading them. Happy to know that this inspired you, brings me fulfillment as a blogger knowing that my post has resonated with someone else.
      See you around ☺

      Liked by 1 person

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